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Prepare for your medical journey with essential tips and Surgero’s support.

Upcoming Patient Guideline by Surgero

A slider image of all the guidelines from Surgero

Upcoming Patient Guideline by Surgero

Prepare for your medical journey with essential tips and Surgero’s support.

Embarking on a medical journey can be filled with excitement and a bit of uncertainty. But worry not! "Upcoming Patient Guideline by Surgero" is your all-encompassing resource, designed to equip you with all the knowledge and tips you'll need for a smooth and stress-free experience.

What's inside the guide?

  • What to Pack

Ensure a comfortable stay with essential comfort items

  • Surgero Services

Breakdown of everything included in your chosen procedure package

  • Visa Information

Requirements and assistance for obtaining necessary travel documents

  • Financial Matters

Understanding costs, currency exchange, and payment options

  • Food & Additional Expenses

Budgeting tips for meals

  • Surgery Day Schedule

Step-by-step guide for what to expect on your surgery day

  • Post-Surgery Recovery

Detailed instructions for proper care and optimal healing

In order to download the guide, type your email and we check your inbox!

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Patients of Surgero Clinic İstanbul in a collage.


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